compromised accounts

!*UPDATE* 05-05-07 !
Fresh activity! Another list uncovered, this time including compromised Paypal accounts. Some even from Japan – Nippon
Go here to see for yourselves
Translated and made tiny;

I have here 18 videos documenting the massive, worldwide, multi-user hack and hijacking attack upon ebay, which has been ongoing since @ least mid Feb ’07, when Vladuz posted pink
More “List” vids show that User’s data from both ebaY & PayPal are compromised.
Consumers, see for yourselves, watch the vids, read the descriptions, follow the link

read more | digg story

ebaY Inc HACKED! ~ Stairway to Scammers Heaven


Yet another variation on a theme.

In this episode, we find some verrry rare “Bosendorfer grand piano (6’3″) vintage 1915 instrument” for sale on ebaY, over and over again.


We begin with a vid I just made a few days ago, with… you guessed, the same piano being sold on ebay


You can probably still find some examples of the same via a google search for the auction title
The hijacker email address dejour;
LilianaFedorowicz AT, the seller/hijack victim:”dsiering”


At this moment, in another tab, the same hijacker’s email addy is appearing in even more ebaY listings… for … well… that may be the next vid.


Be sure to go view my channel page and follow the links to ebaY Germany Security Forums, where TONNES of account hijackings are being reported, along with the LISTS of compromised ebaY and PayPal accounts are posted.


Moral of the story… “IT” is walking and quacking, avoid “IT” like the plague.


Beatles parody spoof song by “The Beatnix”


Got a favorite song you want in the background? Well then , just ask. I have no doubt we will see scam after scam after scam on ebaY, so all suggestions welcome.


Subscribers get dibbs!
(So subscribe to Cappnonymous Video Channel on youtube now.)


(insert smileduck.gif here)


ebaY Inc HACKED! ~The Curse of the Mummy!




More of the Same.
Piled Higher, & Deeper

Continuing on the theme…


Music: Scientist


Song; Curse of the Mummy


Seller/Victim; “bargaincraft”


Email address of the Hijacker;
(a repeat hijacker/Hacker…
…one of the UNdead!)


*Moving right along towards the “Batboy” Movie!


Don’t touch those dials!


oops, did I mention that as I upload and edit this description, these are all live listings? Note the times and dates shown.


Be sure to go view my channel page and follow the links to ebaY Germany Security forums, where TONNES of account hijackings are being reported, along with the LISTS of compromised ebaY and PayPal accounts are posted.


Moral of the story… “IT” is HACKED, CRACKED HIJACKED, and ebaY cannot stop IT. Be safe, void “IT” like the plague.


Got a favorite song you want in the background? Well then , just ask. I have no doubt we will see scam after scam after scam on ebaY, so all suggestions welcome.


Subscribers get dibbs!
(So subscribe to Cappnonymous Video Channel on youtube now.)

As I followed up a tad on a video I made, and the aftermath, I noticed that ebay seller/ recent hijack victim, of hijacker email addy hacker;


is now NARU.

Free Image Hosting at

Free Image Hosting at

Also, notice there is suddenly now no Google result from The Nekkid Truth for now. But there were when I made the video, as you can clearly see in the video.

My original files of that video are very high resolution, and large size. They leave absolutely no room for questions.

Free Image Hosting at

(Margomix was featured in a consumer awareness related video as the seller/victim)

ebaY HACKED! RAMPANT HIJACKINGS~ bobshop654 hijacks margomix

Furthermore, a quick google for margomix shows curious results.

Free Image Hosting at

Not a peep about ebay anywhere I could see.

I had to search margomix ebay to find anything at all.

But…ooops….nothing there? No margomix + ebay? They were JUST selling things on ebay … DUH !!!


Free Image Hosting at

Because, when I searched EARLIER, at, 2007-04-24, 15_31_27

(That is approximately 3:31:27 PM, Pacific time, yesterday…)

this is what I found there…

Free Image Hosting at


I have every bit of this stuff saved. It shows, once more, a clear and continuing pattern of…

Free Image Hosting at

Is this the ebay cover-up machine, attempting to cover-up some [more] fraud?

That is why I have made even more videos, and shall continue to do so.

I have a few on backlog right now.

(Looks like I will be making yet another one now)

The hijacked sellers in my more recent essais are bigger sellers that margomix.

Will they disappear, or begin to disappear too?

I sure would like to hear from margomix, to see what happened from her (his?)

Anyways, there are sooo many scams on ebay, one guy could not possibly make vids about all of them, but I bet I can make 3-4 each and every day.

I just had a thought, maybe ebaY should try living up to there own so-called core values.

ahh, nevermind, I am having too much fun.

Last evening, I uploaded this while the auctions were still running.

I would like to ask readers along if they would show their support (or disapproval) by signing up @ youtube, rating, commenting, subscribing etc.

ebaY Hacked! Ride of the Valkyries


Looks like a bit of fun on the ebaY Forums.

(oops, I mean for everyone except the folks who will fall victim in whatever way)

This looks like it may even be considered a sort of follow-up to this recent post, right here;

“The List — ebay has been hacked in a major way” ~ Back From the Memory Hole!

Someone tried to warn, and the post was pulled.

Why has ebaY not been proactive in informing, thereby protecting “IT”‘s users? Why is “IT” deliberately depriving “IT”s own users of such info?

I cannot believe they are not leading the charge to correct this, instead of trying to bury everything. (because that is not going to work, ahem…)

How many more times will IT happen? Are there more any “LISTS” which we just have not found out about yet?

Do you, should you, trust anyone/any outfit like that?

Moving on,

The censorship on ebaY’s “discussion” boards has been compared to the Gestapo and the Nazi Party, also to the George Orwell novel “1984”

EbaY has been under massive, worldwide hack attack since mid-February, and is trying to sweep IT all under the rug.

(Not once, BUT TWICE…)

starting here with the most recent;

“Massive, worldwide, multiple user hijacks, Thread 2 4/4/07

Visit the Cappnonymous channel on youtube!

Here it is on google,

and the original, started waaaay back on Feb-17-07 , @ 18:26 PST

Visit the Cappnonymous channel on youtube

Let’s see how long ’til this “evaporates” from Google’s Cache, and goes the way of the Memory Hole…

My guess is that IT will live on… somewhere… cough cough youtube cough web 2.0 cough cough

EbaY has had at least 4 incidents of “LISTS” of their user’s data compromised. EbaY has not warned their users.Be sure to visit these threads from the ebaY Germany forums to see about the latest HUGE lists of compromised ebaY and PayPal accounts, and account takeovers.


This is the latest page of the thread with the hijacked accounts / “Account Take-Overs”, (translated) see for yourselves just what is happening.

Again, MANY, MANY of these accounts are from the USA, but there are many victims, WorldWide!

Visit these sites for the TRUTH.

The Nekkid Truth

The Auction Guild

You can also visit my other blog

Please view my other videos @ youtube for more Web 2.0 based ebay and paypal scandal related news and edutainment/infotainment.

Be sure to visit those links to the German security forums & see for yourselves.

BTW, if anyone is unsure about clicking TinyURLs, all you need do is copy it, go to their site, and find out where the link goes to.

These links are going to the ebaY Germany Sicherheit (Security) Forums through Google Translate, part of Google Language Tools

so they are very long, long enough to “break” anyplace they are put

Edit: Adding png images of the threads and screencaps of compromised accounts, as they are long since deleted by ebay.

(if image fails to load, look here: paypalsrupfq0 )

UPDATE 07-29-07
Nearly all traces of the infamous “Gephishte Accounts die eBay nicht interessieren” thread are now gone.
They have been archived as png images:
Seite 1

(original file loocation was )

–> Keep deleting them, we’ll keep reposting ! LOL!

Seite 2

Seite 3

Also, the follow-up thread “Gephishte Accounts die eBay nicht interessieren *zensiert*” has been likewise archived:

German language

English translation

(the embedded youtube video you see in the German language screencap is from FireFox browser  Greasemonkey extension VideoEmbed Script)

*Thanks to for free photo hosting

**Thanks to for free image hosting

April 2010…

People reading this should be aware this hacking, hijacking and uncorreceted critical security flaws situation has carried right on through since February 2007.  Not only that, but the site is even worse now than it ever has been for various reasons. You can visit my youtube channel check the main page and archives here for proof.

This is basically a mirror post/rant for the one I posted at another blog spot of mine, over here using slideshow.

But for some odd reason, by sometime earlier today, the slideshow will not load properly, and I am having trouble getting the blog it’s self to load. Very strange, also a pity, because the original slideshow at imageshack slideshow seemed more clear, although not near as schnazzy. Try it yourself. Hopefully, it is only a temporary glitch. However, as we all know, ebaY has a way of making anything which shows them in a bad k light to vanish.

Anyway, here we are at WordPress, with a slideshow from slide.

You can also find it at youtube on video, seeing as how this is important safety information it should be where most folks will find it, yes?

I am sure everything will work better now. (biggrin)

OK, before you go any further, this entry has some things you may not want to see. If you are offended by pornography, parody, peaches, or pernicious knids, hit your back button right now. You have been warned.

Now I did edit these to make them viewable, but I had to take liberties because pixelating them out was still too risque

There are plenty of well documented reports of the pornography on ebay

Don’t touch those knobs!

OK, I have written a bit about the porn here;

Porn on ebaY ~ Should Consumers Be Offended? – Tuesday, March 20th 2007 4:43 Also posted quite a bit about IT, the redirects and the fake sign-in pages, in two separate threads or more, on the CAPP Forum.

Further, IT has been in the local news in some areas, on podcasts from eWeek Magazine.

IT seems that ebay is doing IT’s best to conceal this from the general public, and make it all disappear. They have *called an end to TWO *seperate threads on the so-called “Trust and Safety” boards, which had lots of proof of the hacking, the hijacking, and the tight-fisted, uptight hypocritical, glaring Orwellian censorship.

Massive, worldwide, multiple user hijacks,

Massive, worldwide, multiple user hijacks( Thread 2 4/4/07

(More on that later. When they make them disappear from Google, I will be making a youtube video about IT, so ebay, by all means, keep doing what you are doing, and so will WE, BTW–wink!)

See here for the shocking interview on MP3, in the “ Navigating eBay’s Shark-Filled Waters” portion of what I dubbed …

The Vladuz Radio Hour ~ Podcast & ebaY Related Radio – Sunday, April 1st 2007 12:17

I may be joking around about all this, but there have been many, many incidents where the porn was *just downright offensive, hardcore, & maybe even perverted, (IMO). Waaaaay beyond just naked ladies. I won’t describe IT here.

IT is readily apparent that ebay is powerless to stop these porn listings.
The hackers own ebay, and everyone knows IT, even ebaY!

Do you want your young child (or anyone you know really) seeing that garbage while you are shopping for Disney toys or *toddler clothing?

When will some authoritative body finally do something about that out-of -control, dangerous, and vulgar website?

Let us not overlook the actual victims of these scams, the cumulative impact and effect on our country’s economy, etc. This must stop. This must be stopped.

Seeing this time after time after time… is therefore knowing that whatever IT is trying to do to correct the matters, is not working.

How can anyone expect to get different results doing the same stupid things over and over and over?

*Thanks to for free image hosting. lol

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